Cayman Trip - July 22-29, 2007

View of Grand Cayman

QSL Update: All QSOs have been uploaded to LoTW and are also available via Clublog

Overview: I will be operating from Grand Cayman (IOTA NA-016) as ZF2DK from July 22 through July 29, 2007. This is a "vacation style" operation, so I'll be on when I'm not doing something else. I will be able to operate on all bands from 6m to 40m, but I expect that I'll likely spend most of the time on 20m, conditions permitting. However, I'll see what bands are open when I'm there, and operate accordingly. I do plan to try a little 6m if the band is open. I will primarily be operating SSB (I'd love to try CW but my skills are really not up to it) and I may operate a little PSK as well. Most likely, I'll be hanging out around the IOTA frequencies (7.060 [listening up for NA], 14.260, 18.128, 21.260, 24.950, 28.460)

QSL: Either direct (SASE or 1 GS + SAE) or via the bureau to my home call

If there are any particular bands that you need, please let me know and I'll try to accommodate.

Any updated information will be here or at my blog at

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